Tuesday, 7 May 2013

A few helpful, common sense tips on how to avoid the dangers lurking in simple home maintenance:

How serious a problem are home accidents?
Almost half of all accidental deaths occur at home, are responsible for more than 3 million injuries and about 55,000 fatalities nationwide, every year.
That's more than workplace and automobile accidents combined. The top causes are poison, falls, electric shocks and fires.

Before starting a task, everyone should have a simple checklist, for example:
If you're going to clean out the gutters, 1. Get a sturdy ladder and lean it against the house. 2. Make sure the ladder components work, and that it's
in good shape. 3. Make sure it has a good footing, leaning at the proper angle, tall enough to prevent you from having to reach, and no over head
obstructions, like power lines of any kind.
When cutting the grass, wear long pants, heavy shoes, safety glasses and gloves. Your neighbor might be in shorts, t-shirt and sneakers (or maybe no shoes at all)
and with a drink in a cup holder. Being safe might be embarrassing, but at least you'll have all your fingers and toes. If you are going to use a chain saw, wear
a baseball cap, with the brim out front where it was meant to be, why? Because if the saw gets stuck and jerks back, which it sometimes will, the blade teeth will strike
the brim of the hat, and can save you from serious facial and head injuries.
Since many people have done something dangerous and don't get hurt, they keep doing it the same way...probably until something bad does happen.
These days, with activity filled lives and always in a hurry, people often, don't stop to think of the consequences.

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